meet my twin :D

assalamulaikum and hello guys ,

in this post , i would like to introduce my lovely gay twin . he is a guy . how do he look ya ?
well , he look likee thissss ------->

hensem isn't ? wear a yellow shiny suit :) kahkah . but sorry , he is not my real twin . huhu .

my twin's name is Nik Mohd Aliff . his twin's name is Aliya :) Alifffff -- Aliyaaaa . we're both 16 years old . not too old actually . were just an ordinary teenager who love to enjoy  life . Life sometimess boring , but we have fellow friends to make us happy and happy and smiling and smiling and laughing .

do u want to see his real face ? nahhh --->

heeeeyah ! this is him . he's not damn handsome as u think right ? he's cuteee ekceli . sirousssly . i'm not lying ( swear ! ^^ ) what ? his full face pitcureeeee ? i dun have laaaa . he's kinda shy shy ( lah sangat ! dont trust this statement ! ) bhahhaha .. 

errmmm , Nik Mohd Alifff is actually not my actual twin . were just share same date of  birthday :) i'm relieved he older than me . hahah , for couple hours .

we're first meet when i transfered  from hostel when i was form 2 . That time , i really cant get along with her . idk know why . perhaps he like to call me ****** since my name is sharifah . we were perennially figthing untill someday i realize i'm so stupid . bahakbahak ! he's not as bad as i thought . then , i start to bury the hatchet wif him :)i'm a nice preson kan ? huhu

when were in form 4 ( ohh , i feels old . kyaaaaaa ! ) his mom send him to BB boy's school . he seems constrained . previous , he got a bid to sekolah berasrama , somewhere in Damansara . but he refused becauseee he love his firendssss .  however , what he can do ? as a good boy , he should not denied his mother said . right ? hmmm .

anyway , sometimes still the same as before . we meet at tuition centre once in a while .  huhu . 

aliff addicts to this thingy . he loves to be a pilot someday .

* today i meet him at tuition centre . heee ~ we're both failed in addmaths . bhhhahhahahahhahak !

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Dont use harsh words kay syg ? ♥♥